Tuesday, January 11, 2011


You kiss my lips
I close my eyes away
we float to paradise
And all the people who stop to see...
softly whisper,
"They were meant to be."

If I could tell my heart each time,
it isn't love,
you're just some guy.
There's nothing there & what I feel,
is in my head, it isn't real.
But I can't deny.
Can't even try.
Because I know inside;
Butterflies don't lie.Me without you is like...
A pot head Not high :

A plane that don't fly
A best with No buy :
A Hooker with no luck
A hoe that don't suck :
A slut that don't fuck
A nerd without braces
& A sentence with no spaces..

So we'll flip a coin for our future
heads we'll be together forever
and tails... we'll flip again!

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